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| 鈴小Jr監督 | 大会記 | 19:27 |
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Guest post by actor, .
The caller ID on my <a href=http://allseasonherbs.com/Discount-Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys.html>Discount Arizona Cardinals Jerseys</a> cell phone showed a number I didn鈥檛 recognize. I answered it anyway. A woman with a thick accent said, 鈥淕ary, evidently you and Frances were the only ones they liked in LA.鈥?
The woman with the thick accent was a casting director. I paused for a moment to consider how odd it was to be getting this call from a casting director instead of my agent. But then I thought, 鈥ho cares? They want to see me in Baltimore!鈥?Because of that phone call I will forever be known as the guy who owned the dog that Kevin Spacey killed on 鈥?鈥?And it all started with an audition.
1. Be ready<br>If you鈥e like me, you do a lot of auditions, either in person or taped. It鈥 easy to allow yourself to go on auto-pilot. That鈥 a mistake. Since you never know which audition is going to land you your big break, you have to be ready, each and every time. Over 80 percent of my auditions are taped now. I have a studio in my basement with professional lights, a nice, plain background and a simple camera that captures everything in QuickTime. I edit on Final Cut and send the finished product off to my agents and CD鈥. But the audition call for House of Cards was in person, in Washington D.C., at a casting office that I had never been to. I was excited. Anytime you have the opportunity to get in front of a new casting director, it鈥 always worth the effort.
2. Go for it!<br>I arranged to meet my fake wife early for the audition so we could get to know each other. For most big projects you get the sides (the scenes of the script they want you to do) early. Not so with 鈥ouse of Cards.鈥?You had to show up early and they provided sides at that time. There was no opportunity to prepare beforehand. The scene appeared simple enough, but we worked it over and over until we felt completely comfortable. The other fake couples went in and out of the casting and soon it was our turn. The audition was being taped, and would then be sent to LA for consideration by the powers that be. We both felt like we nailed the take, but the young lady taping us directed us to do it a different way. Then again. And again. We didn鈥檛 quite know what to think about that. Usually, you get one, maybe two takes, they say, 鈥hank you,鈥?and you leave. We thought the audition went well, but after so many directions you begin to second-guess yourself.
3. Be professional<br>An audition is an audition, and as an actor you鈥e always glad someone wants to see you, but after the audition is over <a href=http://www.acmaholidays.com/USA-Wholesale_NFL_Jerseys.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Discount</a> | life goes on. For me, it鈥 back to the grindstone of the normal stream of voice over jobs and even more on-camera auditions. Sometimes there are so many auditions that I forget what I auditioned for last week, much less two weeks ago. When the call came from the casting director wanting to see me in Baltimore in two days, I was surprised but ready. I had just <a href=http://www.acmaholidays.com/USA-Wholesale_NFL_Jerseys.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Discount</a> | enough air miles left for the flight and a rental car. The other actress and I agreed to meet early again. We had lunch at a nearby eatery, accidently ordering the same food, then drove to the production office. As we signed in I noticed there were no other couples at the call back. After a few minutes we were ushered into an office where we were greeted by director, David Fincher. He smiled as he explained the importance of this scene and asked if either of us had ever lost a pet before. We did two takes while he provided a bit of direction. From around the room we could hear muffled exclamations of, 鈥xcellent!鈥?鈥hat鈥 it!鈥?鈥erfect.鈥?Mr. Fincher thanked us for coming, and we left the room thinking, 鈥hat seemed to go well.鈥?
4. Have fun<br>My fake wife and I were both cast in the Netflix series, 鈥ouse of Cards,鈥?and it was a wonderful experience from start to finish. On the way to set I texted my acting coach, Eric Kline of the Film Actor鈥 Workshop in LA, for any last minute advice. Eric鈥 text back simply said, 鈥ave fun!鈥?As soon as we arrived on set we were shown our trailers, but the A.D. said we needed to leave for rehearsal in a few minutes. We left base camp and arrived on location filled with lots of crew, cast and quite a gallery of public across the street. We spent the next 45 minutes rehearsing the blocking, timing and our acting choices. We returned to base camp for wardrobe and makeup. By the time we finally made it back to set, it was dark and the public gallery had doubled in size. They brought out the fake prop dog. It looked so life-like that people in the gallery kept calling the police, thinking a real dog had been hit by a car. Mr. Fincher is known for doing multiple takes, and our scene was no exception. It was a wonderful opportunity to hone my craft, and I took the opportunity to learn as much as possible from both Kevin Spacey and David Fincher. If I never get cast in another role, I can always say that I acted with a two-time Oscar winner and was directed by one of the best directors alive today.
Oh, yeah; Kevin still owes me a dog.
Gary <a href=http://baalperazimint.com/ship_servicess.html>Cheap NFL Jerseys</a> | Moore, represented by East Coast <a href=http://allseasonherbs.com/Discount-Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Discount</a> | Talent, grew up onstage in Chicago. Although Gary hosted an international TV show called 鈥he Help at Home Live Show鈥?for seven years, does voice-over work and TV shows, his real love is film. He has been on sets <a href=http://baalperazimint.com/ship_servicess.html>Discount Arizona Cardinals Jerseys</a> | with the likes of Kevin Spacey, David Fincher, Donald Sutherland, Danny Trejo, Orlando Bloom, Colin Firth, Patricia Clarkson, Tim Conway, Mel Tillis, and his good friend Tom Lester, who played 鈥b鈥?from the hit sitcom 鈥淕reen Acres.鈥?Gary was recently seen in the feature 鈥淛immy鈥?with Ted Levine, and the upcoming U.S. release of 鈥淩eturn to the Hiding Place,鈥?starring John Rhys-Davies. He just finished working with John Hillcoat in the pilot 鈥淨uarry.鈥?

| kevinlynch | 2013/10/07 6:25 PM |

On聽Fox News Sunday, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) will want to use "brute political force" to insert Obamacare funding into the House bill next week with a 51-vote threshold and any Republican who supports a cloture vote for that will be supporting Obamacare.
Cruz said that "no pundit in Washington thought it was possible" until last week that the House would pass a bill to defund <a href=http://bangalorewebhosting.com/SEO-services/Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys-For-Cheap.html>Authentic Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Sale</a> Obamacare, and that is why Republicans need to unite to support the House bill and ensure Reid does not insert an amendment to add Obamacare funding to the continuing resolution that the House passed last Friday. That resolution funds the government except for Obamacare, which Senators like Cruz and Mike Lee (R-UT) had been insisting for months, even as establishment Republicans resisted and demeaned their efforts. Congress and President Barack Obama must agree to a resolution to fund the government before October 1 to prevent a shutdown.聽
Cruz said Reid wants to use "brute political power to force Obamacare funding through with just Democrats" like he passed Obamacare three 聽years ago.聽
"If the majority is going to run the minority over with a train, the minority has the ability to stop them," Cruz said. "A vote for cloture is a vote for Obamacare."聽
Cruz insisted that since it takes 60 votes to get cloture to stop Reid from inserting an amendment to fund Obamacare, Republicans can unite to deny "cloture when the Majority Leader is abusing power." That, Cruz said, would be supporting House Republicans and the House bill because a cloture <a href=http://bangalorewebhosting.com/SEO-services/Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys-For-Cheap.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys For Cheap</a> vote would allow Reid to ultimately change the House's bill by adding Obamacare funding to it.
Cruz said if Reid wants to ignore the House's bill and the "will of the people," then it should be an "easy decision for Senate Republicans to stand united and to support House Republicans."
"If Senate Republicans stand together, we can stop Harry Reid <a href=http://actsharadapublicschool.org/jerseys/Custom-NFL-Jerseys.html>Customized NFL Jerseys</a> from doing this," Cruz said.聽
Cruz also said if Reid succeeds in adding Obamacare funding because other Senate Republicans vote for cloture, the House has <a href=http://actsharadapublicschool.org/jerseys/Custom-NFL-Jerseys.html>Custom NFL Jerseys</a> to again lead and stay strong to defund Obamacare since the House is the only body where Republicans have a majority. If that happens, Cruz said Senate Democrats in red states--like Sens. Mark Pryor (D-AK) and Mary Landrieu (D-LA)--can then be targeted to defund the bill that is harming Americans, especially <a href=http://blueopal.in/jerseys-for-cheap.html>authentic jerseys wholesale</a> working class Americans who are losing health insurance and seeing their premiums rise.聽
If there is still a stalemate, Cruz said the House should pass separate continuing resolutions to fund parts of the government--like the military--and it would then be "perilous" for Reid to shut down the military to deny the American people the Obamacare exemptions special interests and Congress have received.聽
"We should stand our ground," Cruz said, noting that Reid would ultimately be responsible for shutting down the government in such a scenario. Cruz also mentioned that Reid should listen to the American people that do <a href=http://blueopal.in/jerseys-for-cheap.html>authentic jerseys for cheap</a> not like Obamacare, which he said is such a bad law that unions and even Senate Democrats want out of it.

| danjorgensen | 2013/10/07 3:38 PM |

Despite a warning <a href=http://www.multiculturalhealthweek.com/Suggest_activities.html> Authentic 49ers Jerseys Sale</a> last year that a Near East Side park contains elevated levels of toxic
substances, a city youth soccer league was permitted to play there this past spring.
League play was scheduled to resume yesterday at Saunders Park, but on Wednesday, Mayor Michael
B. Coleman ordered Recreation and Parks officials to move the games after he learned about a 2012
report that warned of elevated soil levels of arsenic, a poison, and benzo(a)pyrene, which is
suspected of causing cancer.
The report, prepared for the <a href=http://bonitasglobal.biz/nfl-jerseys-for-cheap.html> authentic jerseys wholesale</a> city, <a href=http://adsin.in/jerseys/Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys</a> <a href=http://adsin.in/jerseys/Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys.html> Custom Arizona Cardinals Jerseys For Sale</a> recommended limiting use of the park and halting scheduled
sports. Parks officials had said use of the fields was limited.
As for the mayor, ユeユ獨 not happy,?said Dan Williamson, his spokesman. Parks officials told
Coleman about the report after
The Dispatch asked about its findings and recommendations last week.
The report, which Burgess Niple gave the city on Oct. 15, says soil analysis had found
that the levels of arsenic and benzo(a)pyrene exceeded recreational standards. It was the second of
two reports by the company.
The consultants recommended that use of the land, just south of the site of a
fertilizer-manufacturing plant that closed in 1970, be limited to 26 days a year: ユ藩ince this is a
park setting, it may be difficult to monitor the frequency of use by individual children and
adults. As such, it is recommended that the ball fields not be used for scheduled sports at this
Recreation and Parks officials said they will ask the city for $142,000 to pay Burgess
Niple to perform additional tests and <a href=http://www.multiculturalhealthweek.com/Suggest_activities.html>49ers Jerseys For Cheap</a> create a risk assessment for the park, which is off Atcheson
Street south of I-670.
ユ翻heyユ獟l determine what remediation is needed,?said Alan McKnight, recreation and parks
executive director.
McKnight said the contaminants were found in the fields north of both the playground and an area
where the city is putting in a swimming pool.
Before Colemanユ獨 decision last week, parks officials had said the fields are OK because they are
rarely used. McKnight said fall and spring soccer seasons each last six weeks, and teams donユ獩
practice on the fields. The city runs a youth soccer <a href=http://bonitasglobal.biz/nfl-jerseys-for-cheap.html>authentic jerseys for cheap</a> league at the park with Gladden Community
House in Franklinton.
ユ窔tユ獨 very limited, a couple of hours at a time,?McKnight said. ユ窔tユ獨 not more than 26 days.?
amp; amp; amp; amp; lt; /p
Franklinton resident Shannon Hickey is a coach in the youth soccer league and has five children,
ages 4 to 13 years old, on teams. She said parks officials should not have scheduled games at
Saunders once they knew of the dangers.
The city hired Burgess Niple last year after community activist Lela Boykin expressed
concern about the potential health hazards at Saunders. Boykin is the chief operating officer of
Neighborhood House, which is near the park and provides such services as day care and a food
ユ窔f the land, the site, is still contaminated, weユ like to have it cleaned up so it would be
safe for children and families,?Boykin said last week.
Arsenic can cause nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nervous-system disorders and death.
Benzo(a)pyrene, a suspected carcinogen, is formed during the burning of coal, oil, gas or
McKnight said the soccer games will begin on Saturday and are being moved to Sycamore Fields at
Three Creeks Metro Park.

| johnallentodaro | 2013/10/07 1:08 PM |

Fred Davis, left, <a href=http://bscindia.com/Servicess.html> nfl jersey wholesale</a> is on the Redskins inactive list for Sunday s game against the Lions (John McDonnell/The Washington Post)
Tight end and place kicker are on the 鈥?inactive list for Sunday鈥 game against the at FedEx Field.
Safety is active and John Potter again fills in for Forbath at kicker.
Davis will miss the game due to an ankle injury. He warmed up on the field Sunday morning but was seen favoring his ankle. Logan Paulsen is scheduled to start at tight end in <a href=http://www.adgnext.com/rmenu_supplychain_spends.html> Authentic 49ers Jerseys Sale</a> Davis鈥 <a href=http://www.adgnext.com/rmenu_supplychain_spends.html>49ers Jerseys For Cheap</a> place. Rookie Jordan Reed also is likely to receive considerable playing time.
Forbath misses his <a href=http://beanbagdesign.com/Stalls_Designs.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys For Cheap</a> second straight game because of a groin injury. Potter replaced him last Sunday at Green Bay and missed his only field goal attempt.
Meriweather suffered a concussion during last Sunday鈥 loss at Green Bay and was limited in <a href=http://bscindia.com/Servicess.html>authentic nfl jerseys</a> practices during the week. But he is scheduled to play <a href=http://beanbagdesign.com/Stalls_Designs.html> Authentic Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Sale</a> against the Lions. It would be the first time in Meriweather鈥 tenure with the team that he has played in consecutive games. He signed with the Redskins as a free agent prior to last season but played only one game last season because of a series of knee injuries. He missed this season鈥 opener due to a groin injury before playing last Sunday against the Packers.
Also inactive for the Redskins are quarterback Rex Grossman, running back Evan Royster, safety Jose Gumbs, guard Josh LeRibeus and defensive lineman Chris Baker.
Have a Redskins question? E-mail Mike Jones at mike.jones@washpost.com with the subject line 鈥淢ailbag question鈥?for him to answer it in聽聽on Tuesday.

| josephcarlson | 2013/10/07 10:39 AM |

Posted by Mike Florio on September 22, 2013, 10:43 AM EDT
APLast month, some of you suggested that we take off the tin-foil hat when making this observation about the procedures for gathering cups of urine from NFL players:聽聽 Considering the financial stakes of a positive <a href=http://www.3dots.co.in/mcc_panel.html>Nike NFL Jerseys</a> test, who鈥 to say a sample collector hasn鈥檛 been offered an envelope containing <a href=http://adsin.net/side/Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys</a> something other than a birthday card in order to ensure that the ?
Sometimes, it s good to wear a cap fashioned from thinly-sliced metals.
ESPN s Adam Schefter and Chris Mortensen report that Broncos linebacker worked with a sample collector to try to beat the testing process.聽 Per the report, the league is no money changed hands, and that the collector was simply star struck.
We wouldn t be so quick to be <a href=http://www.3dots.co.in/mcc_panel.html>New NFL Jerseys</a> so reasonably certain.聽 Miller s six-game suspension will <a href=http://adsin.net/side/Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys.html>Custom Arizona Cardinals Jerseys For Sale</a> cost him more than $2 million.聽 If there s a way to pay a lot less to get the piss man to look the other way (literally and figuratively), why not try?
Well, here s a reason.聽 Miller got caught.
Though Scheftersen gets credit for breaking the news, it s not a surprise to anyone who was visiting this page in late August, when we wrote this:聽 Per a league source, the NFL is nervous about potential flaws with the manner in which Miller鈥 sample was collected. 聽The anxiety and/or uncertainty possibly has contributed to the delay in taking the case to a hearing. 聽Currently, Miller and the league reportedly are negotiating a resolution that could drop the proposed six-game suspension down to four games.
Miller ended up being suspended six games.聽 It most likely , but for the fact that the sample collector hired by the league was in on the scam.
In the aftermath of the Miller situation, the league and the NFLPA have reiterated that the sample-collection procedures .聽 That may not be enough to solve the problem of potentially corrupt individuals charged with harvesting urine.
Obviously, the collector in this case has been dismissed.聽 If it turns out that the collector took money, he possibly also could be prosecuted.
While that could get the attention of other sample collectors, it may not be an ideal outcome for the NFL, since it could entail an excursion down a rabbit hole that the NFL would prefer to fill with cement and move on.

| jasondavid | 2013/10/04 1:26 PM |

WASHINGTON (AP) 鈥?Within hours of the Navy Yard shootings, the FBI had traced the gunman's recent shotgun purchase and sent agents to the shop in northern Virginia where he bought it. Left out of the loop was the , Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, a surprising snub between top U.S. law enforcement agencies that comes as the ATF struggles to show its relevance in Washington.The ATF is the federal agency in charge of tracing guns used in crimes, including the military-style semi-automatic rifle used in rampage at a last year, a similar rifle used in the deadly shooting at a Colorado movie theater and a handgun used to kill six people and critically wound a congresswoman, among others, outside a grocery store in Tucson, Ariz.By the afternoon of the Navy Yard shootings, FBI agents 鈥?not ATF agents 鈥?were in northern Virginia at the gun shop where , 34, bought a Remington 870 Express shotgun and about two dozen shells barely 48 hours earlier. By day's end it was clear that the shotgun, which Alexis altered with a sawed-down barrel and shoulder stock, was purchased legally after Alexis showed his valid Texas driver's license and passed both a state and federal background check.But the ATF wasn't involved.There is no evidence that the FBI did anything wrong in tracing the gun on its own, but the move is unusual."I have never seen an instance where ATF had not been relied upon to trace the gun," said , a former ATF assistant director for field operations. "I have never heard of a situation like that."By 6 p.m. Monday, the day of the shooting, had learned that the shotgun had been legally purchased at a gun shop in Lorton, Va. When asked about those details, the ATF said its trace had not been completed. ATF spokeswoman said in a statement Friday that once ATF traced the shotgun, that information was handed off to the FBI, which is leading the investigation. She declined to say when the ATF completed its trace."ATF is the sole federal agency that is authorized to conduct firearms tracing," Colbrun said in the statement. The ATF's Discount Arizona <a href=http://www.acmaholidays.com/USA-Wholesale_NFL_Jerseys.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Discount</a> | Cardinals Jerseys | "is authorized to trace a firearm for a law enforcement agency involved in a bona fide criminal investigation."The FBI's declined to comment on the investigation.A 1968 overhaul of gun laws gave the ATF the authority to trace firearms used in crimes and required that gun dealers keep records of who bought what gun and when. The powerful gun lobby has successfully pushed a series of legislation that <a href=http://allseasonherbs.com/Discount-Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys.html>Discount Arizona Cardinals Jerseys</a> limits what the ATF can do with that information, including bans on storing it in any searchable computer database.When law enforcement needs to trace a gun, the low-tech process includes a series of phone calls, starting with the manufacturer. Depending on the age of the gun and how many times it has changed hands, the process can take days. In the case of the Navy Yard shotgun, Alexis bought the weapon just two days earlier. The paper trail ended about 17 miles from the crime scene.The Navy Yard shooting comes less than three weeks after ATF Director was sworn in as the first Senate-confirmed ATF director.The agency had been without a permanent leader since 2006 when the Senate was given the power to approve the director. In pushing for Jones' approval, Senate supporters, including President <a href=http://www.acmaholidays.com/USA-Wholesale_NFL_Jerseys.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Discount</a> | <a href=http://baalperazimint.com/ship_servicess.html>Cheap NFL Jerseys</a> | , suggested ATF was unnecessarily weakened by lack of leadership.The ATF was noticeably absent in the gun debate that <a href=http://allseasonherbs.com/Discount-Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Discount</a> | dominated the attention of lawmakers in the months after the December massacre of 20 school children and six adults at a Newtown, Conn., elementary school.Bouchard said another law enforcement agency asking for gun sales records could be confusing for licensed dealers who have become accustomed to dealing with the ATF."Gun dealers are accustomed to dealing with ATF and will always be cooperative with any law enforcement agency," Bouchard said. "But because of dealing with ATF there could be some confusion on their part as to what they have to do during an investigation, or if they should surrender records that they are legally instructed to keep by ATF."___Follow on Twitter at

| kevinlynch | 2013/10/01 3:21 PM |

Seven Seattle restaurants have been named 2013 Diners' Choice Award winners for the Top 100 Fit for Foodies Restaurants in the United States.
Open Table Inc., , said <a href=http://actsharadapublicschool.org/jerseys/Custom-NFL-Jerseys.html>Customized NFL Jerseys</a> the rankings "reflect the combined <a href=http://actsharadapublicschool.org/jerseys/Custom-NFL-Jerseys.html>Custom NFL Jerseys</a> <a href=http://bangalorewebhosting.com/SEO-services/Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys-For-Cheap.html>Authentic Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Sale</a> opinions of more than 5 million reviews submitted <a href=http://blueopal.in/jerseys-for-cheap.html>authentic jerseys for cheap</a> by verified OpenTable diners for more than 15,000 restaurants in all 50 states."
California had 20 restaurants on the list, followed by <a href=http://bangalorewebhosting.com/SEO-services/Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys-For-Cheap.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys For Cheap</a> Pennsylvania with 10 winners and Illinois with nine. Oregon and Washington had seven restaurants each on the list.
The Washington state winners were all located in Seattle <a href=http://blueopal.in/jerseys-for-cheap.html>authentic jerseys wholesale</a> and include:
鈥?Cascina Spinasse
鈥?How to Cook a Wolf
鈥?Spur Gastropub
鈥?Staple and Fancy Mercantile

| danjorgensen | 2013/10/01 12:58 PM |

For weeks, my Nerdland team has been begging me to write a letter to one specific politician. Personally, I thought this person wasn t even worth it. I mean we only have so much T-V time and we try not to feed the trolls who are just screaming for attention. But after Thursday s to slash the critically important SNAP, or Supplemental Nutrition and Assistance Program, I thought it was time to reach out. Because clearly this person is now fully deserving of a letter. That is why this week s letter goes to Republican Congressman and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor.
Dear Mr. Cantor,
It s me Melissa. Now I <a href=http://adsin.net/side/Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys.html>Custom Arizona Cardinals Jerseys For Sale</a> m not going to quibble with you over your philosophical approach. But let s deal in facts. The beginning of your speech on the House floor before Thursday s vote was ummm, kind of right.
This bill is designed to give people a hand when they need it most and most people don t choose to be on food stamps .most people don t choose to be on food stamps.
Now if you re talking about the intent of the original bill then yes Mr. Cantor I can agree. Because that bill was meant to give people a hand when they need it most. But if you mean the new bill you spearheaded, oh no sir. Mr. Cantor: Hashtag-Have-A-Seat.
Because according to the your bill cuts $39 billion over the next decade. And as a result of those cuts, 3.8 million people will lose their SNAP benefits in 2014. Sticking with the facts, in your speech you talked about what certain participants in the SNAP program will have to do to get benefits. The truth is anyone subjected to the work requirements under this bill who are able bodied, who <a href=http://adsin.net/side/Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys</a> are able bodied under 50 will not be denied benefits. If <a href=http://www.3dots.co.in/mcc_panel.html>New NFL Jerseys</a> only they are willing to sign up for the opportunity to work.
sign up for the opportunity to work.
Mr. Cantor, you also noted the demagoguery and misinformation around the work requirement of this bill. Hashtag-have-a seat. Because Mr. Pot you re worse than the kettle you complained about. You make it sound like: Sure poor people, we ll give you food, but only if you are willing to work for it. What gave you the impression that poor people didn t want to work? Sir they want to eat! And at a time when most of your fellow Republicans are worried about their districts, you seem distracted and have forgotten about yours. So let me remind you.
Take a look at this interactive map on the website of , the nationwide network of foodbanks. If you scroll your mouse along this map, you can find out what the food insecurity levels are in all parts of the country. Nationwide the figure is 50 million. Fifty million Americans living at risk of not knowing where their next meal will come from or if it will come at all.
Take Virginia.
Does it look familiar Mr. Cantor? This is the 7th district of Virginia. Your district. Eleven percent of your constituents Mr. Cantor approximately 85 thousand people in your district are at risk of hunger. Fifteen percent of鈥r nearly 27 thousand children鈥ho you represent, have to worry about their next meal.
And yet you ve waged a <a href=http://www.3dots.co.in/mcc_panel.html>Nike NFL Jerseys</a> war to slash the very funds that feed the hungry. That includes your constituents. This isn t about curbing government waste or preventing fraud. It s not about your effort to bully the poor and dictate how they should live and qualify for food. It s about feeding the people who benefited from the program last year and continue to need its support.
And if you don t understand that fact, seriously man, Hashtag-have-a-seat.
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| jasondavid | 2013/09/28 5:26 PM |

China鈥 Bo Xilai Sentenced to Life in Prison | World | RIA Novosti
22/9/2013 21:35||Bo Xilai漏 REUTERS/ China Central Television (CCTV) via Reuters TV07:55 22/09/2013Tags: , , , Related NewsCorruption Charges Pressed against China鈥 Bo XilaiChinese Prosecutors Put Bo Xilai Under Criminal InvestigationWife <a href=http://baalperazimint.com/ship_servicess.html>Cheap NFL Jerseys</a> | of Chinese Politician Gets Suspended Death SentenceChinese Politician's Wife Probed Over UK Businessman鈥 DeathMOSCOW, September 22 (RIA Novosti) A Chinese court on Sunday sentenced ousted politician Bo Xilai to life in prison after finding him guilty of bribery, <a href=http://baalperazimint.com/ship_servicess.html>Discount Arizona Cardinals Jerseys</a> | embezzlement and <a href=http://www.acmaholidays.com/USA-Wholesale_NFL_Jerseys.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Discount</a> | abuse of power, Xinhua news agency reported.
The Jinan Intermediate People's Court in east China's Shandong Province announced the widely-anticipated guilty verdict following the country's highest-profile trial in decades, Xinhua said.
Bo, 64, made a name for himself through a combination of left-wing populism and personal charisma, a rarity on the Chinese political scene. He was a Politburo member from 2007 to 2012, and Communist Party chief of the megacity of Chongqing.
He was expected to become one of the nine members of the Politburo Standing Committee, the country s supreme governing body which is set to undergo a massive rotation in November as seven members are reaching <a href=http://allseasonherbs.com/Discount-Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Discount</a> | retirement age.
However, Bo s career was unraveled by the case against his wife Gu Kailai, who was convicted in August last year of poisoning a British businessman and received
Following the scandal, Bo <a href=http://www.acmaholidays.com/USA-Wholesale_NFL_Jerseys.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Discount</a> <a href=http://allseasonherbs.com/Discount-Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys.html>Discount Arizona Cardinals Jerseys</a> | was expelled from the Communist Party of China and stripped of his parliamentary status in September last year.
The expulsion and the annulment of his diplomatic immunity paved the way to open a criminal investigation against him.
His downfall divided Chinese society and reportedly upset the balance of factions in the Politburo ahead of the reshuffle.
&nbsp;Add to blogSend to friendShareAdd to blogYou may place this material on your blog by copying the link.Publication code:Preview:07:55聽22/09/2013聽A Chinese court on Sunday sentenced ousted politician Bo Xilai to life in prison after finding him guilty of bribery, embezzlement and abuse of power, Xinhua news agency reported.Send by e-mailYour nameE-mailTo e-mailTextAll fields are required!CodeNews is sent to e-mail<br><br>Share聽DiggSeed Newsvine/world/20130922/183643091-comment.json<br>
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| anthonyduane | 2013/09/28 2:22 PM |

Date:&nbsp;Sun September 22, 2013 12:00pm to 4:00pmEvent Details:&nbsp;Graham Builders, Hawaii's premier design and build company, invites the public to a free Builder's Open House. [url=http://allseasonherbs.com/Discount-Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys.html]Discount Arizona Cardinals Jerseys[/url] Guests will view the [url=http://www.acmaholidays.com/USA-Wholesale_NFL_Jerseys.html]Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Discount[/url] | custom three-level home that [url=http://allseasonherbs.com/Discount-Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys.html]Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Discount[/url] | sits atop an agricultural site that features taro patches, wild watercress and active artesian [url=http://baalperazimint.com/ship_servicess.html]Discount Arizona Cardinals Jerseys[/url] | springs. This home is not for sale. [url=http://www.acmaholidays.com/USA-Wholesale_NFL_Jerseys.html]Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Discount[/url] | [url=http://baalperazimint.com/ship_servicess.html]Cheap NFL Jerseys[/url] | For more information on this Builder's Open House call 593-2808.聽
Cost:&nbsp;Free Location

| kevinlynch | 2013/09/27 11:51 PM |

The new supply <a href=http://www.adgnext.com/rmenu_supplychain_spends.html> Authentic 49ers Jerseys Sale</a> of billions of gallons, if managed properly, may <a href=http://beanbagdesign.com/Stalls_Designs.html> Authentic Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Sale</a> make the desert bloom indefinitely, some scientists and experts say.Yet in the mid-term, as Kenyan communities grapple with water shortages, many are starting to turn to something called&nbsp;鈥渟and&nbsp;dams鈥?to trap and save nature's precious liquid for use in times with no rain.&nbsp;More than a thousand sand dams have been built in East Africa in the past decade in <a href=http://bscindia.com/Servicess.html> nfl jersey wholesale</a> what is a simple, low-cost, effective way to store millions of gallons of water <a href=http://www.adgnext.com/rmenu_supplychain_spends.html>49ers Jerseys For Cheap</a> 鈥?by trapping it in piles of sand and later accessing it when rivers go dry.Kenyans in the <a href=http://bscindia.com/Servicess.html>authentic nfl jerseys</a> counties of Kitui, , and Makueni need water for <a href=http://beanbagdesign.com/Stalls_Designs.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys For Cheap</a> crop irrigation, not to mention drinking. But their main rivers flow only seasonally.Now, in a number of villages, local farmers are planting and harvesting all year long. &nbsp;

| josephcarlson | 2013/09/27 11:27 AM |

Bad habits are tough to break as you grow as a leader. As a young leader, I always felt I had to do everything in-house. Every penny mattered, so even if our <a href=http://www.acmaholidays.com/USA-Wholesale_NFL_Jerseys.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Discount</a> | attempt was half-assed, we were doing it ourselves. Realizing <a href=http://allseasonherbs.com/Discount-Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Discount</a> | that you can鈥檛 do everything internally 鈥?and that it鈥 better to hire outside resources 鈥?is a hard truth to take in.
If you need to feel better about your decision to outsource your efforts, here are some things that will reaffirm your choice to let some internal control go:
&nbsp;1.&nbsp; Consider the opportunity costs.
There鈥 an opportunity cost to everything. Too often, we forget to value our time <a href=http://allseasonherbs.com/Discount-Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys.html>Discount Arizona Cardinals Jerseys</a> and attention. Most of the time, my company deals with leaders within an organization, many of whom are very talented and could potentially do themselves <a href=http://baalperazimint.com/ship_servicess.html>Cheap NFL Jerseys</a> | what we鈥e doing for them. However, is it worth their time to try to establish the relationships and maintain the processes? That鈥 a question to ask yourself about anything that someone else could do in your place. Startups aren鈥檛 often offered this luxury鈥?it鈥 difficult to talk yourself out of being frugal, but opt to be frugal with your time, rather than your money.
2.&nbsp; Recognize that you鈥e not the best at everything.
You aren鈥檛 the best at <a href=http://baalperazimint.com/ship_servicess.html>Discount Arizona Cardinals Jerseys</a> | everything; even Michael Jordan tried to pull off being a two-sport star, and look where that got him. If somebody鈥 trying to convince you he can do it all, he鈥 full of it and likely just trying to sell you. It鈥 important to demand the best 鈥?and it鈥 just as important to recognize that if it鈥 not you, you need to find out who is.
3.&nbsp; Give your employees the opportunity to learn from outsiders.
If you鈥檝e identified the best of the best, you鈥檝e afforded your team the opportunity to learn the right way to manage a task. There鈥 a difference between seeing the best handle real situations and seeing everyone else manage them. If you later decide to bring the task in-house, your employees will have received training from the experts. It鈥 important to hire somebody for this role who complements your department and makes a point to not overshadow or disrupt your team.
4.&nbsp; Avoid bureaucratic problems 鈥?it鈥 worth the cost alone.
There鈥 a lot of top talent working for large corporations, but there鈥 still a lack of effectiveness because of the layers of red tape those experts have to wade through internally. If you see this as a barrier in your company, then look at hiring the impacted area out. It will be a pain to get company approval initially, but once you find the right partner, you鈥l eliminate a lot of red tape.
5.&nbsp; Note that focus itself is a valuable commodity.
It鈥 difficult to be effective when you鈥e pulled in too many directions. In a recent in Inc., Chip Paucek talked about the focus issues associated with growing Hooked on Phonics and how those lessons translated into effectively running his current company, 2U. When you鈥e responsible for multiple areas, it鈥 impossible to keep your productivity 鈥?in any of the areas 鈥?at a healthy level.
&nbsp;6.&nbsp; Realize that outsourcing carries built-in accountability.
As dumb as this sounds, it鈥 valuable to pay somebody to make sure things get done. If it鈥 important to the future of your company to accomplish a goal, then the ROI of hiring it out is evident. Often, I see a company claim it needs to do something, but the internal position responsible for the goal has 1,000 other things that need to be accomplished first.
7.&nbsp; Calculate the internal cost.
On the surface, doing things internally always seems cheaper. After digging into your books, you might think differently. Payroll taxes, insurance, salaries, training costs, and other overhead add up 鈥?not to mention the cost of that employee leaving after he鈥 been trained. An excellent service is typically more effective than an internal process, and as long as you pay your bill on time, it isn鈥檛 going anywhere.
8.&nbsp; Acknowledge the outside opportunities you could create for yourself.
If you pick a good partner, he鈥l usually have some connections and opportunities that can bring a lot of value to your company. A position within our company is solely responsible for helping our clients out, whether that means getting a client a valuable intro or <a href=http://www.acmaholidays.com/USA-Wholesale_NFL_Jerseys.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Discount</a> | referring a potential client. Many times, we have resources that can help clients outside of our agreed-upon arrangement.
I鈥 not saying that you have to immediately hire out everything you do internally. It鈥 vital to find the right partner before considering outsourcing at all. However, you shouldn鈥檛 feel guilty or fiscally irresponsible by making the choice to stop doing everything in-house 鈥?you鈥e ensuring that your company鈥 resources are earmarked for the most important things. And that鈥 a habit you should never try to break.
John Hall&nbsp;is the CEO of&nbsp;, a company that&nbsp;assists individuals and brands in growing their influence through thought leadership and content marketing programs. &nbsp;Influence Co., one of the leading providers of high quality expert content to the world鈥 top publications, is the creator of .&nbsp;Connect with John on&nbsp;or&nbsp;.

| anthonyduane | 2013/09/26 6:19 AM |

Community welcome: The new Rainier Beach Community Center and pool has its grand opening today from 2 to 5 p.m. The center at 8825 Rainier Avenue replaces the leaky, worn-out facility that was torn down in 2011. The new center cost $25 million, has 48,500 square feet on the main <a href=http://www.acmaholidays.com/USA-Wholesale_NFL_Jerseys.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Discount</a> | floor, a lap pool and recreation pool with water slide and an outdoor playground and space for community events. Today s activities include tours, music, refreshments and class <a href=http://baalperazimint.com/ship_servicess.html>Cheap NFL Jerseys</a> | sign-ups.
Suspect sought:聽Seattle police are searching this morning for a male suspect after officers were called to a stabbing at about 5:30 at 14th Avenue South and South Walker Street.聽 As officers arrived, <a href=http://www.acmaholidays.com/USA-Wholesale_NFL_Jerseys.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Discount</a> | two people ran away. One of them was a female suspect, who was found hiding under a car near 12th Avenue South and South Massachusetts Street. The male victim apparently knew the two <a href=http://allseasonherbs.com/Discount-Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys.html>Discount Arizona Cardinals Jerseys</a> suspects. Fire department medics took <a href=http://allseasonherbs.com/Discount-Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Discount</a> | the victim to Harborview Medical Center with non-life-threatening injuries.
Seahawks favored: Those in the wagering world think the Seahawks will beat the Jacksonville Jaguars today by 20 points <a href=http://baalperazimint.com/ship_servicess.html>Discount Arizona Cardinals Jerseys</a> | when the two teams meet at CenturyLink Field at 1:25 p.m. That s the biggest spread oddsmakers have assigned to the Seahawks in the team s NFL history. Here s one thing that s a sure bet: Traffic around the stadium before and after the game will be heavy. Take that into account in your travel plans today.
Most read on seattletimes.com

| kevinlynch | 2013/09/26 3:29 AM |

On聽Fox News Sunday, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) will want to use "brute political force" to insert Obamacare funding into the House bill next week with a 51-vote threshold and any Republican who supports a cloture vote for that will be supporting Obamacare.
Cruz said that "no pundit in Washington thought it was possible" until last week that the House would pass a bill to defund <a href=http://bangalorewebhosting.com/SEO-services/Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys-For-Cheap.html>Authentic Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Sale</a> Obamacare, and that is why Republicans need to unite to support the House bill and ensure Reid does not insert an amendment to add Obamacare funding to the continuing resolution that the House passed last Friday. That resolution funds the government except for Obamacare, which Senators like Cruz and Mike Lee (R-UT) had been insisting for months, even as establishment Republicans resisted and demeaned their efforts. Congress and President Barack Obama must agree to a resolution to fund the government before October 1 to prevent a shutdown.聽
Cruz said Reid wants to use "brute political power to force Obamacare funding through with just Democrats" like he passed Obamacare three 聽years ago.聽
"If the majority is going to run the minority over with a train, the minority has the ability to stop them," Cruz said. "A vote for cloture is a vote for Obamacare."聽
Cruz insisted that since it takes 60 votes to get cloture to stop Reid from inserting an amendment to fund Obamacare, Republicans can unite to deny "cloture when the Majority Leader is abusing power." That, Cruz said, would be supporting House Republicans and the House bill because a cloture <a href=http://bangalorewebhosting.com/SEO-services/Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys-For-Cheap.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys For Cheap</a> vote would allow Reid to ultimately change the House's bill by adding Obamacare funding to it.
Cruz said if Reid wants to ignore the House's bill and the "will of the people," then it should be an "easy decision for Senate Republicans to stand united and to support House Republicans."
"If Senate Republicans stand together, we can stop Harry Reid <a href=http://actsharadapublicschool.org/jerseys/Custom-NFL-Jerseys.html>Customized NFL Jerseys</a> from doing this," Cruz said.聽
Cruz also said if Reid succeeds in adding Obamacare funding because other Senate Republicans vote for cloture, the House has <a href=http://actsharadapublicschool.org/jerseys/Custom-NFL-Jerseys.html>Custom NFL Jerseys</a> to again lead and stay strong to defund Obamacare since the House is the only body where Republicans have a majority. If that happens, Cruz said Senate Democrats in red states--like Sens. Mark Pryor (D-AK) and Mary Landrieu (D-LA)--can then be targeted to defund the bill that is harming Americans, especially <a href=http://blueopal.in/jerseys-for-cheap.html>authentic jerseys wholesale</a> working class Americans who are losing health insurance and seeing their premiums rise.聽
If there is still a stalemate, Cruz said the House should pass separate continuing resolutions to fund parts of the government--like the military--and it would then be "perilous" for Reid to shut down the military to deny the American people the Obamacare exemptions special interests and Congress have received.聽
"We should stand our ground," Cruz said, noting that Reid would ultimately be responsible for shutting down the government in such a scenario. Cruz also mentioned that Reid should listen to the American people that do <a href=http://blueopal.in/jerseys-for-cheap.html>authentic jerseys for cheap</a> not like Obamacare, which he said is such a bad law that unions and even Senate Democrats want out of it.

| danjorgensen | 2013/09/26 12:37 AM |

Date:&nbsp;Sun September 22, 2013 6:00amEvent Details:&nbsp;The Honorable Governor Neil Abercrombie will be signing a proclamation naming Sept. 22, 2013 "Na Wahine O Ke Kai" <a href=http://baalperazimint.com/ship_servicess.html>Discount Arizona Cardinals Jerseys</a> | Day to <a href=http://allseasonherbs.com/Discount-Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys.html>Discount Arizona Cardinals Jerseys</a> honor the "Women of the Sea" who Arizona Cardinals Jerseys <a href=http://www.acmaholidays.com/USA-Wholesale_NFL_Jerseys.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Discount</a> | Discount | will be holding their 35th canoe race on that day. The incredible 41-mile edurance race starts from Hale O Lono Harbor on <a href=http://www.acmaholidays.com/USA-Wholesale_NFL_Jerseys.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Discount</a> | <a href=http://baalperazimint.com/ship_servicess.html>Cheap NFL Jerseys</a> | Molokai and finishes at the Duke Kahanamoku Beach in Waikiki.聽
Cost:&nbsp; Location

| kevinlynch | 2013/09/25 3:46 AM |

Once again last night, The Daily Show host went after CNN for its coverage of a breaking news event 鈥?this time it was the fatal shootings on Mondays at Washington D.C鈥 Navy Yard.
Similar to the <a href=http://bangalorewebhosting.com/SEO-services/Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys-For-Cheap.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys For Cheap</a> way he nailed <a href=http://actsharadapublicschool.org/jerseys/Custom-NFL-Jerseys.html>Custom NFL Jerseys</a> Jeff Zucker鈥 cable news network and others back <a href=http://actsharadapublicschool.org/jerseys/Custom-NFL-Jerseys.html>Customized NFL Jerseys</a> <a href=http://bangalorewebhosting.com/SEO-services/Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys-For-Cheap.html>Authentic Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Sale</a> in April over their on-air announcement over an arrest that hadn鈥檛 happened in the <a href=http://blueopal.in/jerseys-for-cheap.html>authentic jerseys for cheap</a> Boston Marathon bombing, Jon Stewart Tuesday went after the confusion and randomness of CNN鈥 handling of the September 16 tragedy.

And when <a href=http://blueopal.in/jerseys-for-cheap.html>authentic jerseys wholesale</a> someone uses the term 鈥busive relationship鈥?to鈥ell, you know we鈥檝e got a problem Atlanta. Watch here:

| danjorgensen | 2013/09/25 12:45 AM |

I never thought I was deprived as a child until I visited the Kruger Street Toy and Train Museum
in Wheeling, W.Va.
There I met Big Loo, a 4-foot tall 鈥済iant moon robot鈥?who shoots pingpong balls from his arms
and suction-cup darts from his breastplate. Plus: He has battery-powered eyes!
OK. He cost $10, a lot of money back in 1963. But couldn鈥檛 Grandpa and Grandma have pitched
Maybe, with enough therapy, I鈥l work through my privation.
Truth be told, my visit to <a href=http://bonitasglobal.biz/nfl-jerseys-for-cheap.html> authentic jerseys wholesale</a> the terrific museum, just a couple of hours鈥?drive east of Columbus,
aroused more nostalgia than envy.
Our childhood toys 鈥?those we had and those we craved 鈥?make an indelible impression on many of
us. And the Wheeling toy museum offers day-trippers a great chance to relive some childhood
memories 鈥?and perhaps to foist them on new generations.
And even if your children or grandchildren don鈥檛 understand the attraction of Big Loo or Rock 鈥橢
m Sock 鈥橢m Robots or Easy-Bake ovens, they鈥l probably love the Lego, K鈥ex or Thomas the Tank
Engine displays.
The museum is housed in a beautiful old school building, constructed in <a href=http://www.multiculturalhealthweek.com/Suggest_activities.html> Authentic 49ers Jerseys Sale</a> 1905 and used as <a href=http://adsin.in/jerseys/Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys.html> Custom Arizona Cardinals Jerseys For Sale</a> an
elementary school until 1991.
The brick structure still includes great old features such as original <a href=http://www.multiculturalhealthweek.com/Suggest_activities.html>49ers Jerseys For Cheap</a> ornamental <a href=http://adsin.in/jerseys/Arizona-Cardinals-Jerseys.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys</a> tin ceilings.
Of course, few visitors will be as interested in the architecture as in the 鈥渇urnishings,鈥?arranged
in themed displays such the Doll Room, with dozens of dolls and dollhouses from all eras.
The Miniatures Room is devoted to figurines from Buck Rogers (hurray!) to Jar Jar Binks
Another room features wheeled toys such as Hot Wheels, Matchbox cars and toy trucks and
And one of the museum鈥 newest exhibit rooms is filled with a gaudily lighted miniature
amusement park fashioned entirely from K鈥ex building toys.
Of course, the museum also offers a bountiful display of vintage and modern toy trains,
including large working <a href=http://bonitasglobal.biz/nfl-jerseys-for-cheap.html>authentic jerseys for cheap</a> HO- and O-gauge layouts.
The museum isn鈥檛 just for looking. There are also lots of opportunities for play, with hands-on
exhibits and toys in most of the rooms.
Visitors will also find temporary exhibits. A large display of G.I. Joe and related gear will be
shown through the end of December.
Ah, yes. At least I had a G.I. Joe. But mine predated the version with 鈥ung Fu grip,鈥?as I now
ruefully recall.
For more information about the Kruger Street Toy and Train Museum in Wheeling, W.Va., call
1-877-242-8133 or visit
Steve Stephens is the Dispatch travel writer. He can be reached at 614-461-5201 or by

| johnallentodaro | 2013/09/24 9:17 PM |

ARLINGTON, Va. (CBSDC) -聽The National Sleep Foundation <a href=http://www.adgnext.com/rmenu_supplychain_spends.html>49ers Jerseys For Cheap</a> defines parasomnia as all the abnormal things that can happen to people while they sleep, apart from sleep apnea.
Some examples are sleep-related eating disorder, sleepwalking, night terrors, sleep paralysis, REM sleep behavior disorder, and sleep aggression, the Arlington, Va. based <a href=http://www.adgnext.com/rmenu_supplychain_spends.html> Authentic 49ers Jerseys Sale</a> organization <a href=http://beanbagdesign.com/Stalls_Designs.html> Authentic Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Sale</a> additionally states on their .
A new Swedish study claims to add two <a href=http://beanbagdesign.com/Stalls_Designs.html>Arizona Cardinals Jerseys For Cheap</a> more activities to that list sending text messages and updating social media sites.
A team of researchers at the Swedish Medical Center learned that not only are both happening to patients in the night, a growing number of patients are complaining of such occurrences, is reporting.
鈥he most powerful tool we have is language, and the smart phone has become a common way to communicate,鈥?sleep neurologist Dr. Lina Fine, who works with <a href=http://bscindia.com/Servicess.html> nfl jersey wholesale</a> the Swedish Medical Center, was quoted as saying by the station. 鈥t鈥 reflective to go for something we use the most.鈥?
Parasomnia is said to be a genetic disorder that is more frequently seen in action among children, though adults who are experience sleep deprivation or stress could exhibit signs as well.
The phenomenon could have negative implications for those who suffer from the particular form of parasomnia in one instance, a patient claimed to have unconsciously sent negative text messages to their boss while sleeping.
鈥he messages may be upsetting,鈥?Fine noted. 鈥淎 person may text an inappropriate message emerging out of their unconscious mind that the conscious person would not want to send.鈥?
Experts recommended that those who are prone to sending text messages or updating Facebook and Twitter while sleeping should secure their <a href=http://bscindia.com/Servicess.html>authentic nfl jerseys</a> cell phones and computers in another part of their residence to eliminate the possibility of accidentally sending or posting something without intending to do so, KOMO News learned.

| josephcarlson | 2013/09/21 11:38 AM |

Sep 9, 2013, 11:06 <a href=http:www.wholesalenflelitejerseys.org>nike nfl jerseys China</a> AM EDT

Two-time Olympic softball pitcher聽Jennie Finch checked her phone during a lunch break Sunday and聽found out her sport was denied re-entry into the Olympics.
Devastated, Finch said. Crushed.
What came next wasn t easy, either.
Finch put her phone away and returned to the Jennie Finch Softball Camp at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Va., where a group out of 400 total camp goers waited. Many had been asking nonstop about the vote.
The International Olympic Committee voted wrestling into the 2020 and 2024 Olympics over squash and a joint baseball-softball bid.
Lots of disappointment on the softball field, Finch said in a phone interview Monday morning, adding this message she told the camp members, as young as third-graders: There鈥 two things you can always control, attitude and effort. Keep playing, keep pushing, keep growing our game.
On Saturday, Finch spread to the camp the good news of Tokyo winning the 2020 Olympics. She hoped that the winning country where the sport is popular Japan won the 2008 Olympic softball title over the U.S. would enhance baseball-softball s chances in the eyes of the IOC members Sunday.
It s so tough because I ve been able to experience so much and see our sport grow all over <a href=http:www.wholesalenflelitejerseys.org>wholesale NFL jersey from China</a> the world, said Finch, who lost her voice a bit after the weekend camp. It was an opportunity being taken away. We, of course, are going to keep having hope. But that hope was once again lost (Sunday).
Finch said wrestling deserved to be in the Olympics but that there should be a place for baseball-softball, too. Currently, there is not. The Games have a maximum number of athletes (10,500).
Major League Baseball has not committed to stopping its season to send players to the Olympics.
Finch said she sees pros and cons of baseball and softball joining together to try and get back into the Olympics after both were dropped in 2005, with it taking effect starting with the 2012 Games.
I go back and forth, <a href=http://www.wholesalenflelitejerseys.org>nfl elite jerseys</a> she said. Unfortunately, I think there s so much that goes on that the public doesn t know much about. 鈥?When (softball) joined with baseball, they truly thought that would be their best opportunity.
In announcing wrestling s win Sunday, IOC president聽Jacques Rogge聽singled out baseball.
Hopefully, baseball s successful in the future, were his last words in the announcement.
The <a href=http://www.wholesalenflelitejerseys.org/>wholesale nfl elite jerseys</a> World Baseball Softball Confederation (WBSC) will not give up hope of trying to get into the Olympics.
The WBSC <a href=http://www.wholesalenflelitejerseys.org/san-francisco-49ers-c-598_659>San Francisco 49ers Jerseys</a> will continue working hard and will continue listening and learning from the IOC, so that baseball and softball can come under the Olympic umbrella to serve and strengthen the Olympic Movement, as our sport expands and globalizes further, 聽Riccardo Fraccari, the president of the International Baseball Federation, .

| irenemcdonald | 2013/09/14 12:05 PM |

Aug. 30, 2013 at 1:24 PM ET
John Paul Filo / CBS Bill Murray will always love David Letterman. Always. Cue the bling! David Letterman received quite the flamboyant celebration of "Late Show's" 20th anniversary on CBS Thursday night in <a href=http://www.wholesalenflapparel.com/nfl-jerseys-c-598>Cheap NFL Jerseys on sale</a> the form of Bill Murray 鈥?dressed as Liberace.The comedic <a href=http://www.wholesalenflapparel.com/>wholesale nike nfl jerseys</a> actor, who was Letterman's very first guest on Aug. 30, 1993, rolled onto the stage in a white Rolls-Royce with his very own blond chauffeur and adorable white poodle.聽"I had to make some sort of sign of how I felt, and I go over the top sometimes," Murray told his host. "I give and I give and I've done it again. And this time ... I want to show Dave what I got him, and I want all the people to see it."The big surprise? A billboard featuring the actor's mug and name in huge letters ... with "wishes Dave a Happy 20th Anniversary" in minuscule type.聽But that wasn't all the actor had in store for the late-night host's big anniversary. He also excavated a <a href=http://www.wholesalenflapparel.com/washington-redskins-c-598_603>Washington Redskins Jerseys for sale</a> time capsule near Letterman's desk that contained "artifacts" from his first appearance. "This is insane!" the host exclaimed as Murray-as-Liberace used a pickaxe and jackhammer to retrieve the buried mementos.Still, Murray had more. <a href=http://www.wholesalenflapparel.com/>nike nfl jerseys</a> The actor, by then out of breath, had one more elaborate gift up his white sleeve: his rendition of the No. 1 hit 20 years ago -- Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You."Murray may be <a href=http://www.wholesalenflapparel.com/>Cheap NFL Jerseys</a> a funny man, but Liberace's singing chops he does not possess."Oh Bill, that was so wonderful!" Letterman exclaimed of the less than stellar but mighty amusing performance.In Letterman's 20 years behind CBS' "Late Show" desk, he has broadcast 3,897 episodes. The program has also won nine Emmys and has been nominated 73 times."Late Show With David Letterman" airs weeknights at 11:35 p.m. on CBS.

| katherinelee | 2013/09/14 3:10 AM |

AUSTIN 鈥?About 2,000 people rallied at the Capitol on Monday to speak out for and against abortion rights before lawmakers return to a special session Tuesday to work on measures to restrict the procedure.
Featured speaker at the Stand4Life Rally was former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who said <a href=www.wholesalesportsjerseys.us>wholesale sports jerseys</a> 鈥渢he eyes of America are on Texas and the stand you're taking on human life.鈥?
鈥 ask and pray you lift up these legislators ... as they take a stand not against something, but for something,鈥?Huckabee said.
Joining him was state Sen. Donna Campbell, R-New Braunfels, who led the crowd in chanting 鈥淟ife, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.鈥?Campbell asserted abortion is not a right, but rather violates the right to life.
鈥t is not with a clenched fist that we come out, but with an open heart in supporting this legislation,鈥?Campbell said.
Also addressing the crowd were <a href=www.wholesalesportsjerseys.us>wholesale sports uniforms</a> Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and Attorney General Greg Abbott.
Abbott called the event 鈥済round zero for the fight for life.鈥?
鈥his bill will go to court, and there you will have an attorney general who has your back,鈥?he said to applause.
Dewhurst addressed abortion rights supporters who were part of the crowd.
鈥e love you,鈥?he said, following a curse word yelled by an abortion rights supporter. 鈥e love you just as much we love that unborn baby.鈥?
鈥exas women deserve better care,鈥?Dewhurst said. 鈥exas babies deserve a right to live,鈥?he said.
Those in the crowd 鈥?from both sides of the issue 鈥?shared their thoughts.
Austin natives Amy Grant and Paul Zepecki, who support abortion rights, marched proudly through downtown wearing vibrant orange.
鈥 don't think this should be the government's business,鈥?Zepecki said. 鈥t's a woman's personal choice.鈥?
Grant, who said she has had an abortion, said she knows from personal experience that women should have a choice because every situation is different.
鈥hen I had my abortion, there were protesters at the clinic. They didn't know my situation,鈥?<a href=www.wholesalesportsjerseys.us>cheap sports jerseys wholesale</a> she said. 鈥t was absolutely the right choice for me.鈥?
Elizabeth Babin of Austin supports SB1 and HB2, measures that would restrict abortions. Babin said she believes the legislation would protect unborn children from pain and would be beneficial to women's health.
鈥hese babies at 20 weeks do feel pain, and I feel like women will benefit from the strict health care. They need better facilities,鈥?she said.
Babin said she thinks everyone should become more involved in the legislative debate on abortion.
鈥 think it's important for both sides to stand up,鈥?she said. 鈥e need to let our representatives know where we stand.鈥?



| robertford | 2013/09/13 6:02 PM |

鈥he Ed Show鈥?returns to weeknights tonight, but the <a href=http://www.wholesalenflapparel.com/washington-redskins-c-598_603>Washington Redskins Jerseys for sale</a> show is <a href=http://www.wholesalenflapparel.com/>nike nfl jerseys</a> not changing at all. Ed will still bring you stories that matter to everyday Americans at the dinner table. He鈥l continue to focus on issues that make difference in our lives: protecting the <a href=http://www.wholesalenflapparel.com/>Cheap NFL Jerseys</a> middle class, workers rights, income inequality and women鈥 rights to name a few.
Tonight, Ed will start the new聽The Ed Show聽schedule聽at 5pET (4pCT/3pMT/2pPT), live from <a href=http://www.wholesalenflapparel.com/nfl-jerseys-c-598>Cheap NFL Jerseys on sale</a> New York on MSNBC, by going after Republicans like Sen. <a href=http://www.wholesalenflapparel.com/>wholesale nike nfl jerseys</a> Ted Cruz who want to take health care from 30 million Americans.
For that, Ed welcomes back Dan Seco,聽a young man battling cancer without the benefit of聽health insurance and waiting for Obamacare to kick in. He was on the weekend edition of The Ed Show on May 18, 2013. WATCH:

| katherinelee | 2013/09/13 3:40 AM |

FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) 鈥?Here are 10 of the most eagerly awaited new cars going on display at the Frankfurt Auto Show. The show opens to journalists on Tuesday, industry visitors on Thursday and the public on Saturday. It runs through Sept. 22.鈥?BMW i8 plug-in hybrid sports car: Uses carbon fiber parts to achieve light weight and quick acceleration 鈥?zero to 100 kph (0-62 mph) in 4.5 seconds.鈥? e-Golf electric-only compact: VW takes the plunge into electric vehicles with a version of its sales volume leader it says has a range of 190 kilometers and costs ?.30 to drive 100 kilometers (62 miles.)鈥?BMW Concept X5 eDrive hybrid electric: A large, luxurious SUV that BMW says gets an average 62 miles per gallon, or 3.8 liters per 100 kilometers.鈥?Peugeot 308 hatchback: The lossmaking French automaker PSA Peugeot Citroen badly needs this new model to be a winner in a rough European market.鈥?Ferrari 458 Speciale: Has adjustable aerodynamic elements to keep it on the road at high speed. Zero to 100 kph (62 mph) in a breathtaking 3.0 seconds.鈥? plug-in hybrid. The luxury brand's flagship S-Class sedan already had a hybrid version 鈥?but this one's got more horsepower and luxury features.鈥? concept: This concept car 鈥?meaning not necessarily headed for production 鈥?should provide clues to future designs from GM's European subsidiary, which is struggling to turn its earnings around.鈥?Audi Sport Quattro concept plug-in hybrid: A four-seat coupe with big air intakes giving the front end an aggressive look, and an enormous 700 horsepower from its electric motor and large 4-liter V8 internal combustion engine. Top speed: 305 kph (190 mph.)鈥?. This moderately priced SUV from Renault's Romania-based Dacia brand has been an unexpected big seller; the 2014 version is getting an updated front end in hopes of keeping it that way.鈥?Toyota Yaris Hybrid R concept: Meant to demonstrate high-performance hybrid technology, this not-for-sale compact juggles power from three electric motors and a 4-cylinder turbocharged engine <a href=www.wholesalesportsjerseys.us>wholesale sports jerseys</a> to generate over 400 horsepower.

| robertford | 2013/09/12 6:54 PM |

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This was the message I received from my friend/coworker Collin Binkley. He was heading north on
High St., stopped at a red light and was hit from behind by a distracted driver. Fortunately, he
didn鈥檛 go down, and only had a stiff neck/shoulder the next day. Whew!
Here鈥 the answer to Collin鈥 question, from
, an Ohio bike lawyer
avid biker:
The short answer is ALWAYS unless you are ABSOLUTELY sure that nothing happened - nothing was
broken and no injuries. &nbsp;Once you leave, there is no way to recreate the scene - as anyone who
has watched CSI knows, the crime scene is tainted! &nbsp;Of course, you don't want to look stupid
calling the cops out when there no damage, etc鈥?but鈥?once folks leave, the stories tend to change
and meld into something different than reality once folks leave - and the other guy realizes no
ticket issued, etc鈥?nbsp;
Cyclists tend to be self-sufficient brutes who hate asking for help - they <a href=http://www.newfootballjerseys.us/nfl-jersey-cleveland-browns-online-1_29>nike chicago bears jerseys</a> like to do everything
themselves - which is great鈥?except in a crash - they tend to NOT call the police or refuse EMT
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fractured clavicle - just rolled the bike right through the front doors.

| sabrinaroseann | 2013/09/12 6:51 AM |

Drinking to excess in college goes back to the earliest days of the country, but there are some troubling new variables in the drinking culture that have experts concerned. What are they?
According to
This fall鈥 freshmen likely will find that the higher education tradition of excessive alcohol consumption is alive and well, but there are new variables: Energy drink mixers keep students awake and drinking longer. A historically high number of students legally take prescribed antidepressants and other psychiatric drugs, which can be dangerous when mixed with booze.
Today鈥 college students, who were mostly born in the early 1990s, have cellphone cameras and social media accounts that allow for the sharing <a href=http://www.latestsportsjerseys.com/>http://www.latestsportsjerseys.com/</a> of every embarrassing turn of a disastrous night. That can lead to <a href=http://www.latestsportsjerseys.com/site_map.html>nfl jerseys site map</a> a painful tarnishing of reputations or <a href=http://www.latestsportsjerseys.com/>latest sports jerseys</a> the celebration of reckless behavior. And news of the latest drinking trends spreads quickly on the Web.
Johnson notes that the rise of social media has colored perceptions of college students, but she asks whether kids today really are wilder than their parents.

| amykatherine | 2013/09/11 5:51 PM |

The financial sector kicks off the 2013 Q2 earnings report season on July 12 with much-anticipated numbers from JP Morgan Chase (JPM) and Wells Fargo Co (WFC) . Along with Citigroup (C) and Bank of America (BAC), who report on July 15 and July 17 respectively, the reports look rosy, as many analysts believe a recovery from the housing debacle of the late aughts is already under way. FactSet predicts of all sectors in the S P, the financials sector will grow the most, with a robust 16.8% gain.

Here鈥 what analysts expect to hear from the two financial giants:

JP Morgan Chase
The first to announce earnings, JP Morgan is considered a bellwether of the financial sector. FactSet expects JP Morgan to earn $1.44 a share, up 18 percent from last year. JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon seems exceptionally confident in his own company鈥 chances. He told investors on June 11 that the bank鈥 trading revenue will rise by at least 15 percent from $4.5 billion in the same quarter last year.

Zacks expressed confidents they will beat earnings expectations, citing rapid 鈥ost containment.鈥?That is, JP Morgan is set to lay off as many as 17,000 workers by the end of 2014. Zacks puts their earnings per share at between $1.42 and $1.45 a share, and predicts a 鈥渓ikely earnings surprise.鈥?
JP Morgan鈥 earnings report comes out before the bell on July 12.

Wells Fargo
The country鈥 largest mortgage originator is especially buoyed by positive news from the housing market. And although mortgage interest rates are rising, housing sales have been gaining, and home prices ticked up 1.2 percent this June.

Thomas Reuters predicts that Well Fargo will post earnings per share growth for the <a href=http://www.agoshow.net/Tigers-24-Miguel-Cabrera-Red-2010-All-Star-Jerseys-60/>Tigers 24 Miguel Cabrera Red 2010 All Star Jerseys</a> 13th consecutive quarter. They do however, recommend watching to see if the historically low <a href=http://www.agoshow.net/Giants-55-Tim-Lincecum-bule-2010-All-Star-Jersey-50/>Giants 55 Tim Lincecum bule 2010 All Star Jersey</a> mortgage rates of the second quarter end up weighing down their earnings.

Zacks predicts Wells Fargo will also outdo its earnings expectations. Zacks puts them at 92 to 93 cents a share, with a 鈥渓ikely earnings surprise.鈥?
Wells Fargo is also releasing their Q2 earnings report before the bell on July 12.

JPMorgan Chase is up .57 percent to hit $55.14 a share, and has gained 25.41 percent on the year. Wells Fargo lost .43 percent to fall to $41.89, but is up 22.56 percent on the year.

| lafeengasia | 2013/09/08 1:21 AM |


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