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Kate, your response is condescending and disrespectful; if you are not prepared to engage in a debate then please refrain from submitting your opinions for publication. FEMEN’s tactics are naive and most likely ineffective, but at least they are protesting a death sentence on a woman who merely bared her breasts. Imprisonment and flogging for moral crimes, including being the victim of rape, is a common practice in parts of Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Pakistan, among others. We ought to be discussing these issues and standing in solidarity with women from these communities. Instead, white women are falling over themselves to appease Muslim clerics and conservatives in an effort to avoid being racist (of course, the UNDHR applies to them but it’s ‘problematic’ for Muslim women). I’d much rather hear from the Muslim members of FEMEN, or their critics who also critique Islamism, than a white women’s objection to their tactics, which are far less egregious than the practices they are protesting.
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Love your show. Missed some of the first shows hope for a rerun. I have been trapping since the early 70′s and you never get to old to learn a few new tricks. Thanks for putting on a good trapping show. May your steel be full of fur. Paul D, Rogers
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